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Hluav taws Partition Wall Board Series

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Decorative Sab Nraud Thiab Sab Nraud Phab Ntsa Rau Phab Ntsa Partition

Product Description
Decorative Interior And Exterior Wall Panels For Wall Partition manufacture
MgO Board
Cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb
Hluav taws ua haujlwm
Tsis hlawv, tsis muaj pa taws dub, tsis muaj pa phem
3-25 hli kev cai
qhov loj me me
2440 * 1220ã 2135 * 920ã 3000 * 1220ã Custom
Qhov ntom
0.9-1.3kg / m3 kev cai
Flexural zog
â, 12 Mpaã¹, kev cai
Kev cuam tshuam lub zog
â € 3.5 kJ/m2 au custom
Cov dej noo
yog 0.3%
Kev nthuav dav ntub dej
yog 0.3%
Nail tuav tus nqi
<6mm ⢠25/(N/mmY
6-10mm â € 30/(N/mm)
> 10mm ⢠35/(N/mm)
Cov ntsiab lus chloride ion
Product Description
Decorative Interior And Exterior Wall Panels For Wall Partition factory
Decorative Interior And Exterior Wall Panels For Wall Partition factory
Decorative Interior And Exterior Wall Panels For Wall Partition details
Decorative Interior And Exterior Wall Panels For Wall Partition supplier
Decorative Interior And Exterior Wall Panels For Wall Partition factory
Decorative Interior And Exterior Wall Panels For Wall Partition details
Decorative Interior And Exterior Wall Panels For Wall Partition manufacture
Decorative Interior And Exterior Wall Panels For Wall Partition factory
Decorative Interior And Exterior Wall Panels For Wall Partition details
Decorative Interior And Exterior Wall Panels For Wall Partition details
Decorative Interior And Exterior Wall Panels For Wall Partition details
Hu Rau Peb

Peb pab neeg ua phooj ywg xav hnov los ntawm koj!

Email Address*
Tus Naj Npawb
Company Name
Lub Tebchaws

Kev Tshawb Fawb Xov Xwm